Sunday, August 5, 2012

Monday. DIY String Art Sign

I am one busy little beaver preparing for my first ever markets this weekend at the Cherry Blossom! But I thought I would share with you the string art sign I made last week for the markets to signal our little photo booth! There are already so very many string art DIYs out there including this one by Honey and Fitz, another by Man Made DIY and of course giant wedding blog Green Wedding Shoes but I will share with you my own not so perfect way of doing things (speaking of you should check out Craft Fail, for awesome 'nailed it' moments).

But first here is the finished product!

Pretty neat right? I am loving my new heart!! It took me ages to get around to doing it but SO glad I finally did!! Anyho get ready for instructions!!

1. Gather your supplies!! I used an offcut from the desk that Joel made himself earlier in the year (using laminated pineboard from Bunnings, it's very cheap) and a pack of 25x1.8mm nails (830 nails I used a LOT), also hammer and your words!!
2. Print out your letters and tape the sheet onto your bit of wood
3. Begin the arduous task of nailing AROUND the outside of your letters, be careful of your fingers!! I squashed mine a few times! I put them perhaps a little too close together (about 1/2cm) and could have whacked them in a little more but just do what feels right
4. This step might not have been so terrible if.... I don't know what - Take your paper out from between the nails, if you are super lucky it will come out straight up! if you are like me tweezers are a useful tool along with loads of patience
5. Now take some string/wool/embroidery floss and tie a knot around a nail - don't worry about leaving a tail you can bury it later - you can be as orderly or as chaotic as you want now!! Just wind the string/wool/floss around the nails until you are happy and tie another knot

ET VOILA!! awesome string art!!!

If you live local be sure to check out my stall on Saturday and if not I would love to hear your thoughts on what I have been making!!! you can find my most up to date stuff on my Facebook page here :)

1 comment:

  1. wow! this is so creative and absolutely gorgeous!

