Monday, July 2, 2012

On the Table. Cookie Decorating

On the table this week I was lucky enough to have two little helpers in the kitchen with me! My two nieces Isabella and Lily! Cooking with kids can often be a little trying but more often than not great fun, I remember when we were little Mum would let us make faces out of arrowroot biscuits, icing and various lollies it was awesome fun so I thought we would do something similar!

First we made some simple sugar cookies, then I got a few little bowls and made a standard icing sugar and water icing adding a few drops of food colouring. Throw some lollies/sprinkles etc into the equation and see what they come up with! Ok so sugar is not exactly the best thing to have in your diet but golly its fun :)


  1. Your little nieces are very cute. We used to make this when my kids were little and you are right, it's lots of fun.xT

  2. aww, your nieces are adorable :) cute photos! x

