After a request for a 'manly' cake (is there really such thing?) I disregarded advice and made a simple butter cake with strawberry icing. Sounds simple enough right, here's the real story.
I always make this particular butter cake using the recipe from Donna Hay's Classics Vol. 2 - my go to cookbook for baking (and pancakes) I did everything exactly the same as I normally do - let eggs go to room temp, grease tin well, pre-heat oven etc etc. But for some reason the cake decided to stick to the bottom of the pan grrrr and what came out were a few chunks here and there.
I pieced it back together as best as I could and iced right over it!

How exactly did I make the icing? I don't usually use recipes for icing I just make it up - a couple of cups of icing sugar, some butter, a dash of milk and a few spoons of strawberry jam - SO TASTY!!
that DOES look good. yummy! :D