i am home alone this weekend, the boy has gone on his bucks wkd and all housemates have left the building. It's quiet and kinda boring. I started my day at the usual time, had my usual breakfast and completed my usual morning ritual of checking Facebook, Ebay etc.
Then i turned MY music up full bore and did a weights workout, i tried skipping (for the first time in years seriously) but my tights kept falling down - seriously it was kinda funny but a whole lot of irritating - i guess they aren't really 'tight' tights. After this action of getting my blood pumping i thought ok i will hang that washing out that i meant to do yesterday (i'm terrible like that) and guess what i lifted the lid of our el-cheepo washing machine and found it was full of water. yep so my stress that the towels would be all smelly and stuff was unfounded because they were still just sitting in water. our washing machine is broken, again.
the previous day the boy had taken it apart after we heard something rattling around inside - it was a black bobby pin and a few coins (not mine i swear my hair is blonde). so the jury is still out on what is wrong with it.
in the meantime it got me thinking how irritating all our appliances seem to be, we have needed a new fridge for pretty much two years (the freezer first started leaking now just doesn't work at all tried fixing seals etc but to no avail), the mower is a goner (brand spanking new but just stopped working one day), my wizz stick is whirring in a manner it really shouldn't be, the xbox recently starting having some problems and my own poor old laptop is processing things at grandma speed and of course our camera which through no fault of its own is now in less than stellar condition.
so here is my shopping list if money was infinite
The new iMac - aren't they just so pretty and clean and smooth!! - i would also settle for a MacBook |
also i don't really
need the following but would
love them
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