Yesterday we went looking through furniture shops to find the boy's cousin a new chest of drawers and much to our dismay were greeted with an amazing lounge in the exact style we wanted. If it was the perfect lounge why the dismay? it came about 8 months to late.
When we first moved into the beautiful house we recently vacated we were spoilt for space it had gorgeous wooden floors and the kind of interior that you dream about for a rental. We looked absolutely everywhere for the perfect lounge to fill that space; I must admit I was a nightmare, I might be weird but the closer for me was always the proportion of the cushions. They all seem to be made with square cushions and to me, I don't know it just looks.... weird. I wanted the nice rectangular ones.
We went to Plush one day and found an amazing chaise (we had started out just looking for a 3-seater as we already had some armchairs) in the perfect shade of brown leather (another one of my specifications) the architect. It was beautiful and comfortable and expensive, about $7000 too expensive. So we moved on.
Next we started browsing antique places and much to our amazement spotted a 3-seater Parker lounge with 2 armchairs with a frame in pristine condition; a simple recovering of the cushions and it would have been heaven.... and OMG it was only $500
similar to this one Parker lounges have the most beautiful arms made from teak |
I am still kicking myself to this day for not getting it.
Then one day we received in the mail a catalog from Plush they were having a sale so we thought we may as well take a look... J fell in love with the Berlin chaise and as it was on sale we went for it.
I wasn't sure about the rise at the back of the arms... it makes the lounge look good from the back but not so much from the front, but at the risk of sounding like a freak I bit my tongue and the lounge is lovely and comfy so I guess ultimately we are happy :)